Lee Mae Spence

The North shaped who I am

A portrait of Lee Spence, seated in a grassy field. I'm Lee Spence, founder of Embodied Resurgence. I'm committed to unravelling and evolving, shoulder to shoulder with you and your organization from reproducing colonial harm to accountability.

I’m Lee Mae Spence, founder of Embodied Resurgence

The North shaped who I am.

The blizzards kneaded me into an adaptable and resourceful person backed with a kinship community.

The North unravels you with its elements, temperatures and critters (especially the horseflies - they bite through denim).

The breath of the blizzards freeze your lungs and force you to submit to the limitations of humanity.

I’m on a mission to transmute apathy to liberation

because it’s our right.

I’m committed to unravelling and evolving, shoulder to shoulder with you and your organization from reproducing colonial harm to an accountable foundation.

Who am I?

I am Ininew from York Factory First Nation, Metis and mixed Settler woman born and raised in Northern Manitoba.

I walk in two worlds and committed to dissolving harmful narratives through awareness, conversation and embodiment.

I am curious, adventurous, and caring.

I am both fierce and gentle, grounded in community.

It’s no surprise I grew up among polar bears.

Your Decolonial Leadership Partner,

Lee Mae Spence

Portrait of Lee Spence. I am Ininew from York Factory First Nation, Metis and mixed Settler woman born and raised in Northern Manitoba.
A close up photo of a spider. Read more about my notable projects and contact me to learn more about my indigenous consulting programs and decolonial leadership.

Stories are meant to be shared.

Nourishment is an email newsletter with a focus on community building to better understand one another.

Topics range from everyday breathwork practices, making amends with my settler ancestors, my decolonizing journey and more.

A closeup photograph of a flower. Stories are meant to be shared. Nourishment is an email newsletter with a focus on community building to better understand one another.