Decolonial Organizational Consulting

I know you know colonial systems don’t work.

and they will continue to crumble.

crumbling is good.

crumbling reminds us of our humanity.

crumbling allows for growth.

A closeup photograph of a seedling growing out of a rock. Embodied Resurgence offers decolonial consulting programs. The earth will take care of us, if we take care of her. Connect Today.

For the seeds to sprout through the asphalt

The earth will take care of us, if we take care of her

And it starts with you.

Why this Matters Now

In an era where organizations are grappling with shifting societal expectations, a decolonized approach to living and working is crucial to long-term sustainability, employee engagement, and ethical leadership.

In an era where organizations are grappling with sifting societal expectation, a decolonized approach to living and working is crucial to long-term sustainability, employee engagement, and ethical leadership.
A portrait of Lee Spence. I specialize in transforming organizations from reproducing colonial harm to building a decolonial foundations for impactful change.

I specialize in transforming organizations from reproducing colonial harm to building a decolonial foundation for impactful change, including:

  • identity

  • inclusive workplaces

  • wholistic health and wellbeing

  • healing generational wounds

  • decolonial living

Decolonized Organizational Consulting

An up close photograph of hot coals and flames. Embodied Resurgence offers a customized approach to decolonial consulting to build a foundation together.

A customized approach

Let’s build the foundation together

Inquire for a customized scope of services

A portrait of Lee Spence in a forest setting. Lee Mae Spence is your decolonial leadership partner offering decolonial consulting to organizations.

Your Decolonial Leadership Partner,

Lee Mae Spence